MISS CROW with MR. LIZARD (2021)
MY BLOG ABOUT EPISODES 1 to 12 From My Drama List and Soompi 2/3 down 1/3 to go Watch Via WeTV CAST AND CREW Native Title: 乌鸦小姐与蜥蜴先生 Also Known As: Wu Ya Xiao Jie Yu Xi Yi Xian Sheng , 烏鴉小姐與蜥蜴先生 Director: Qiang Wu Screenwriter: Yang Ni Kou , Liu Chang Genres: Romance , Fantasy (A World without Covid in the year 2020), Science Fiction(mechanical heart with super powers---something like that) As of 2014, more than 1,250 patients have received SynCardia artificial hearts . The device requires the use of the Companion 2 in -hospital driver, approved by the FDA in 2012, or the Freedom Driver System, approved in 2014, which allows some patients to return home, to power the heart with pulses of air. - Wikipedia (nothing like Gu Chuan's mechanical heart) Wow. I really love this series, and it's one of those that I know I would cherish and remember...